Dr. Mahdi Ikhlayel, a seasoned consultant and trainer, is the Director of Research and Development (R&D) at DEISO, an environmental sustainability company based in Japan. He holds a PhD in Sustainability Science from the University of Tokyo, obtained in 2016. He has worked for several years in academia as a scientific researcher and in industry in various positions. With over 13 years of experience as an LCA engineer and a sustainability expert. Dr. Ikhlayel’s expertise encompasses a wide range of areas. Read More.

Selected Activities

    1. September 10th, 2018: Teacher for an LCA class at Ritsumeikan University, College of Science and Engineering, Department of Environmental Systems Engineering. For masters and doctoral students.
    2. Invited on behalf of TCO2 Co. Ltd., Tokyo, by the Graduate Education Program of United Nations University’s Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, Tokyo, Japan, on January 16, 2017, to give a 4-hour lecture. The lecture was on LCA theory, applications, and LCA practice using SimaPro software. It took place as part of a regular graduate course on ‘Sustainable Bioproduction and Ecosystems Management’ for 13 graduates and post-graduate students from 11 countries.
    3. I organized a two-hour seminar on November 19, 2016, on behalf of TCO2 Co. Ltd., Tokyo, delivered in Tsukuba City, Japan. Twelve participants attended, including two undergraduate students, four graduate students, and four researchers (two from Tsukuba University and two from the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization in Tsukuba City). The seminar aimed at providing an overview of the LCA method and its applications, and how it is utilized in the literature.
    4. I coached several master’s students in the GPSS-GLI program at the University of Tokyo, Japan, for the weekly seminars between October 2013 and September 2016. Since the program assigns each master’s student to a doctoral student, I had a chance to coach them individually in a multidisciplinary research environment, each on their own research topic.

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