Dr. Mahdi Ikhlayel, a seasoned consultant and trainer, is the Director of Research and Development (R&D) at DEISO, an environmental sustainability company based in Japan. He holds a PhD in Sustainability Science from the University of Tokyo, obtained in 2016. He has worked for several years in academia as a scientific researcher and in industry in various positions. With over 13 years of experience as an LCA engineer and a sustainability expert. Dr. Ikhlayel’s expertise encompasses a wide range of areas. Read More.


Hire me

I provide comprehensive services such as consultation, project implementation (execution), training, and coaching. If you’re interested in hiring me, please contact the DEISO company in Japan through their website (www.deiso.co.jp) form at https://dei.so/contact-form. In your message, kindly express your desire to hire me for your business requirements. A DEISO team member will reach out with all the necessary information. My services are available to companies, individuals, independent consultants, academic researchers, NGOs, and postgraduate students.

DEISO will handle scheduling, administrative tasks, and payment matters. Before hiring, you’re also welcome to contact me directly to discuss your business needs through the contact form below.

Contact Form

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