Dr. Mahdi Ikhlayel, a seasoned consultant and trainer, is the Managing Director at DEISO, an environmental sustainability company based in Japan. He holds a PhD in Sustainability Science from the University of Tokyo, obtained in 2016. He has worked for several years in academia as a scientific researcher and in industry in various positions. Prior to his current role as a Managing Director, he served as the Director of Research and Development (R&D) at DEISO. With over 13 years of experience as an LCA engineer and a sustainability expert. Dr. Ikhlayel’s expertise encompasses a wide range of areas. Read More.

Skills Summary

Technical: Scientific solid research skills LCA LCA Software (GaBi ts, SimaPro, MiLCA, openLCA, and Umberto LCA+) Extensive knowledge and use of LCI databases (ecoenvint, IDEA, Carbon Minds, Agri-footprint, ESU World Food, LC-Inventories.ch, ProBas, worldsteel, and Ökobaudat databases) Extensive knowledge and use of S-LCA databases (SOCA, PSILCA, and Social Hotspots databases) Estimation of missing emission factors data Computation of GHG emissions (Scopes 1-3) Data analytics (quantitative and qualitative) SDGs Data management and quality assurance Analytical thinking Material Flow Analysis (MFA) Total Material Requirement (TMR) Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) Chemical process engineering (process modeling and optimization) Report writing skills Engineering thinking skills.

IT-related: Outstanding IT skills and knowledge Cloud services (Google Cloud & AWS)Web analytics Web design and development Web servers management Full fluency in WordPress Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Software: MATLAB Simulink Minitab Maple EViews Stella Architect EndNote Tableau Lingo Power BI R Nvivo MAXQDA Atlas. ti STAN e!Sankey Aspen Plus CHEMCAD WRATE IWM‐2 OPNET Bootstrap Studio Xojo Operating Systems (Windows, macOS, and Linux) Full proficiency in MS-Excel MS-PowerPoint MS-Word, and MS-Access.

Business, Industrial, Research, & Interpersonal Skills

Business & Industrial Skills

With over 13 years of experience as an LCA engineer and a sustainability expert. Dr. Ikhlayel’s expertise encompasses a wide range of areas:

  • Research and Development: focusing on innovation for environmental sustainability solutions.
  • Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Solutions Development.
    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) Development.
  • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Accounting and Reporting (Scopes 1-3).
    Carbon Footprint Assessment.
  • Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) Consulting.
    Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure.
  • Circular Economy and Waste Management Planning and Strategies.
    Sustainable Supply Chain Management.
  • Chemical Process Plant Design and Optimization.
    Data-Driven Environmental and Sustainability Consulting Services.
  • HR-focused training and development programs.
  • Business management and development.

DEISO aims to provide exceptional sustainability services and solutions globally, empowering enterprises and individuals to achieve environmental excellence. The company is committed to unlocking the full potential of businesses and individuals, enabling them to thrive in a sustainable world. Read the full biography.

Interpersonal Skills:
  • Diligency, responsibility, critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, leadership, and readiness.
  • Creativity, adaptability, and tenacity.
  • Communication, time management, goal orientation, and initiative.
Educational Skills:
  • Profound academic writing, publishing, editing, and reviewing skills.
  • Academic supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • Innovative teaching skills utilizing modern and innovative IT technologies.
Research skills:
  • Exceptional skills in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and its software and Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) databases with GaBi ts, SimaPro, open LCA, MiLCA, ecoinvent, and other LCI databases.
  • Extensive knowledge and use of the popular LCI databases (e.g., GaBi databases, IDEA (Inventory Database for Environmental Analysis), ecoinvent, Agri-footprint, ELCD, Social Hotspots, and LC-Inventories.ch databases).
  • Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA).
  • System process modeling & scenario development.
  • Chemical process modeling, simulation, and optimization with Aspen Plus and CHEMCAD.
  • Statistical analysis.
  • In-depth literature analysis with Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) using Nvivo, MAXQDA, and ATLAS.ti.
  • Scenario development, modeling, simulation, analysis, and evaluation.
  • Qualitative and quantitative data analysis.
  • Data visualization.
  • Material Flow Analysis (MFA).
  • Substance Flow Analysis (SFA).
  • Renewable energy.
  • Environmental policy.
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Sustainability science and transdisciplinary research skills.
  • Development of integrated and holistic waste management systems: municipal solid waste, e-waste, disaster waste, chemical waste, and hazardous waste management.
  • Development of sustainability indicators.
  • Climate change mitigation: analysis and coping strategies.
  • Sustainability assessment.
  • Technology evaluation (environmental and economic perspectives).
  • Total Material Requirement (TMR).
  • 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle).
  • Intensive knowledge & Skills in a wide range of Information Technology topics and tools.
  • Full proficiency in the essential academic software & tools, including advanced levels in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint

Academic Research Skills

My research work is on multidisciplinary research themes and projects. I am specialized in sustainability, cleaner production, and environmental impact assessment, particularly in the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), with 10+ years of experience and practice, including a wide range of industry-leading software such as GaBi ts, SimaPro, and openLCA. I also hold expert knowledge and acquaintance with the most available life cycle impact assessment databases. Equally well, LCA modeling approaches, inventory data generation, prediction, etc.

I am also specialized in urban environmental resource management with the practice of integrated approaches in sustainability science and life-cycle thinking. Another central function of my expertise is Material Flow Analysis (MFA), inventory analysis, scenario development, and scenario evaluation. Besides, technological assessment of the environmental performance of new technologies, including process modeling, simulation, and optimization.

Peer-reviews Activities
(Journal reviews)

I have reviewed 125+ peer-reviewed journal articles for 15+ journals. Journals such as the Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environmental Management, and Resources, Conservation, and Recycling. I have also reviewed textbooks and textbook proposals, e.g., for Elsevier, John Wiley & Sons, and the International Journal of Environmental Studies.

Software Skills

I utilize a variety of software for my research work for data analysis, modeling, simulation, and other purposes. Below are the major tools that I use and have expert knowledge with.

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Math; Statistics; Data Analysis; and Data Visualization

Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA)

Material Flow Analysis (MFA)

Chemical Process Development & Simulation

Integrated Waste Management (IWM)

Web Development (Languages, Server OS, Platforms, etc).

Operating Systems (OS)

Networks simulation, behavior & performance.

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